Women's Aid - Capital Credit Union
Capital Credit Union

Women’s Aid

Awareness Campaign

Creating awareness of domestic abuse is crucial to supporting those who are victims of abuse.

This partnership will educate Capital Credit Union staff members to recognise the signs of abuse, respond in a friendly manner and gently direct them to Women’s Aid 24hr National Freephone Helpline 1800 341 900.

  • Staff will be trained to recognise signs of abuse
  • QR Codes will be displayed at all counters
  • Posters on our digital screens
Why This Partnership Is Important
1 1 in 4 Women
1 in 4 Women

Experience domestic abuse from a current partner or previous partner

2 26,906 Contacts
26,906 Contacts

Were made to Women's Aid in 2021 disclosing abuse against women

3 20% Women
20% Women

Aged 18 to 34 don't have control over their own finances


We can carry on the conversation any way you’d like — by phone, email, or calling at a branch. You’ll find one that suits below.