Women's Aid Partnership: Signs of Abuse - Capital Credit Union
Capital Credit Union

Women’s Aid Partnership: Signs of Abuse

Women’s Aid Partnership: Signs of Abuse

Capital Credit Union is proud to launch our partnership with Women’s Aid to listen, believe and support victims of domestic abuse.

In all our branches, staff will be trained to recognise signs of abuse, respond in a supportive way, and signpost members to the Women’s Aid 24hr National Freephone Helpline 1800 341 900.

Why This Matters

1 in 4 women in Ireland experiences domestic violence and abuse. Abuse can be carried out by a current partner, and it can continue after the relationship has ended.

Capital Credit Union has partnered with Women’s Aid to listen, believe and support women experiencing domestic abuse. Below are ten common signs of domestic abuse that everyone should be aware of.

10 Common Signs of Domestic Abuse

  1. They complain that you spend too much time with friends and family and make you feel guilty if you don’t spend all your free time with them
  2. They send you constant texts and get mad if you don’t respond right away
  3. They tell you how to dress, criticise your clothes and undermine how you think or feel
  4. They have a bad temper, and you feel afraid to disagree with them
  5. They accuse you of cheating on them all the time
  6. They ask for all your passwords so they can check your messages
  7. They pressure or coerce you to do things sexually that you don’t want to do
  8. They control your access to basic essentials such as the car, the family finances, food, the telephone and internet
  9. They are physically violent.
  10. They have threatened to hurt you, themselves or others if you end the relationship

You are Not Alone

If you or someone you know is experiencing domestic abuse, call the Women’s Aid 24hr National Freephone Helpline on 1800 341 900 (open 7 days a week) or use the Instant Message Support Service on www.womensaid.ie (open mornings and evenings, 7 days a week).

For more information on our partnership with Women’s Aid and how it works, click here.